Tantra Sexuality Books Tantric Sex Secrets and Practices

Tantric Sex, secrets and practices of Tantra is a spiritual science from ancient India and its basic essence, very similar to Taoism from China. Both involve balancing the male and female energies to create harmony and have an ultimate goal of unity or spiritual ecstasy, known as the Enlightenment. Tantra encouraged to explore all aspects of life. So obviously, the study of sexuality was included, understood not only, but actually revered.
Making love was seen as a gift to God so there was no repression or guilt attached to sex. It taught that when a man approaches his beloved is a sacred feeling as if you would go to the temple. Art of sexual love is the noblest of the arts college. How young people in ancient India, you can go to sacred temples and taught the secrets of love and business Darkas Darkinis, priests and priestesses of love. Study of sexuality in the West is very new, although remnants of tantric sex rituals date back nearly five thousand years. So its an incredible wealth of information that we can use and use in their love.

tantric sex or making love can add what you like in three main areas:

First, it gives you a way to reach the growing states of ecstasy and joy of the kingdom of normal sex;

Secondly, it teaches how to open more love, so that your heart opens even more with your partner and you remember how great it feels to be very, passionately "in love".

Thirdly, it teaches Sacred Sex - how to transform your lovemaking into a sacred experience which will touch all levels of your being, body, heart and soul.

Authors Details: Dianne and Kerry Riley


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